Refresh and Revitalize: The Ultimate Iced Matcha Latte Recipe and Its Health Benefits

juin 05, 2024

Refresh and Revitalize: The Ultimate Iced Matcha Latte Recipe and Its Health Benefits

As the days get warmer, there's nothing quite like a refreshing iced matcha latte to cool you down. This vibrant green drink is not only delicious but also packed with incredible health benefits. Let's dive into the perfect iced matcha latte recipe and explore why matcha is a fantastic addition to your diet.

The Ultimate Iced Matcha Latte Recipe


- 1 teaspoon (approx.3g) of quality matcha powder. We recommend Matcha Latte Supreme, Matcha Evergreen Bio, Matcha Yame or Matcha Delight.
- Approx 40ml of cold water (1.5 ounces cold water)
- 1 cup milk (200 - 300ml) of your choice (almond, oat, coconut, dairy, etc.)
- Ice cubes


1. Prepare the Matcha:
- Sift 1 teaspoon of matcha powder into a bowl to avoid clumps.
- Add 40ml (1.5 ounces) of cold water to the bowl.
- Whisk the matcha and water together using a bamboo whisk (chasen) until it becomes frothy and smooth.

2. Sweeten (Totally Optional, Not Necessary): Our recommended Matcha are all very top quality, you really don't need to add sweetener, as our matcha flavour is very smooth and nutty with beautiful green colour and there is no unpleasant bitterness. 
- If you still prefer your iced matcha latte sweetened, add some honey (sugar or agave syrup) to the matcha mixture and stir well to dissolve.

3. Assemble the Latte:
- Fill a glass with ice cubes.
- Pour 1 cup of milk (200 - 300ml) over the ice.
- Slowly pour the whisked matcha over the milk, allowing the vibrant green layer to sit on top.

4. Stir and Enjoy:
- Stir gently to combine the layers before drinking.
- Enjoy your refreshing iced matcha latte!

Health Benefits of Matcha

Matcha, a finely ground powder made from specially grown and processed green tea leaves, is a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants. Here are some of the remarkable health benefits of incorporating matcha into your daily routine:

1. Rich in Antioxidants
Matcha is loaded with catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is known for its cancer-fighting properties. These antioxidants help to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and promoting overall health.

2. Boosts Metabolism and Burns Calories
Drinking matcha can enhance your metabolism and increase the rate at which your body burns calories. The combination of caffeine and catechins found in matcha supports fat oxidation and helps you maintain a healthy weight.

3. Enhances Calm and Focus
Matcha contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness. L-theanine works synergistically with caffeine to improve focus, concentration, and cognitive performance, making it an ideal beverage for productivity and mindfulness.

4. Detoxifies the Body
The chlorophyll in matcha gives it its vibrant green color and helps detoxify the body. Chlorophyll aids in the removal of heavy metals and harmful chemicals, promoting healthier skin and overall well-being.

5. Supports Heart Health
Regular consumption of matcha can improve cardiovascular health by lowering LDL cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of hypertension. The antioxidants in matcha also help to protect the heart and prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

6. Strengthens the Immune System
The rich array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in matcha helps to strengthen the immune system. EGCG, in particular, has antimicrobial properties that can enhance your body's ability to fight off infections and illnesses.

7. Enhances Mood and Well-Being
The unique combination of L-theanine, caffeine, and other nutrients in matcha promotes a sense of well-being and uplifted mood. Regular matcha drinkers often report feeling more relaxed, alert, and content.


An iced matcha latte is more than just a trendy beverage; it's a delicious way to enjoy a multitude of health benefits. With its rich antioxidant content, metabolism-boosting properties, and calming effects, matcha is truly a superfood worth incorporating into your daily routine. So, why not whip up an iced matcha latte today and experience the refreshing taste and health-boosting benefits for yourself? Cheers to your health!

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