Repertoire Earl Grey Rose

Tea Repertoire




Tea Region: Mozambique

Tasting Notes

  • Appearance: Mahogany coloured infusion. 
  • Aroma: Bergamot, honey, woody notes.
  • Flavours: Zesty, citrusy, floral, bergamot note harmoniously mingles with sweet and refreshing rose note and mild, woody flavour. 
  • Mouthfeel: Full-bodied, smooth liquor. Lingering citrus, floral rose finish.

Brewing Guidance

  • Measure 1g of tea per 100ml water. Boil water to 90℃. Steep for 4-5 minutes.

Reference:  Op. 429

Tips for Tea Connoisseurs

Repertoire Earl Grey Rose is our unique black tea blend, made from organically grown, carefully crafted, quality black tea leaves from Mozambique and fragrant Persian rose petals. Delicately scented with Bergamot essential oil, this special blend offers a delicious liquor which infuses the zesty bergamot flavour with sweet and refreshing rose and mild woody notes. A beautifully balanced, smooth and elegant Earl Grey.  

Black tea is known to be just as beneficial as green tea for our health and well-being. A recent study indicates several health benefits of black tea by demonstrating that flavonoids found in black tea boost the immune system to prevent flu and other viral infection and encourage the growth of healthy microorganism in the liver to boost energy metabolism and weight loss. 

Made from naturally grown tea leaves, this  harmoniously balanced Earl Grey gives a very pure and smooth taste. If you like this product you may also like English Breakfast Tea, Lemon Verbena SwingPhoenix Honey Orchid and Lapsang Earl Grey Royal.  

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