Jin Jun Mei

Tea Repertoire



Tea Type: Black Tea

Tea Region: Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province, China 

    Tasting Notes

    • Appearance: Clear, orange brown coloured infusion with a golden hue.  
    • Aroma: Woody, cocoa, honey, fruity, malty notes.
    • Flavour: Woody, cocoa, honey, fruity, malty notes with a lingering sweet, citrusy, orange aftertaste.
    • Mouthfeel: Well-rounded, smooth liquor with velvety mouthfeel. Lingering sweet finish. A delicate acidity adds liveliness to the liquor. 

    Brewing Guidance

    • Measure 1g of tea per 100ml water. Boil water to 90℃. Steep for 4-5 minutes.

     Reference: Op. 440

    Tips for Tea Connoisseurs

    Discover the smooth, balanced, delicious, gourmet black tea from Wuyi Mountain, Fujian, China - Jin Jun Mei black tea. Unlike Lapsang Souchong, this unsmoked tea offers a deliciously sweet and long-lasting flavor with a perfect balance. This highest grade Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong, made from carefully hand-picked spring tea buds, is perfect for morning or afternoon, earning its place as a favorite among black tea lovers.

    Regarding the aroma and flavour profile, the tea boasts malty and honey-sweet, with the subtle fruity, refreshing acidity reminiscent of fragrant oranges. The flavour is rich and savoury on the fresh-baked, toasty, woody background. The malty profiles of toasted whole grains come upfront, followed by a refreshing, vibrant fruity scent of oranges.

    A sophisticated black tea that will be much appreciated by black tea connoisseurs. 

    Black tea is known to be just as beneficial as green tea for our health and well-being. A recent study indicates several health benefits of black tea by demonstrating that flavonoids found in black tea boost the immune system to prevent flu and other viral infection and encourage the growth of healthy microorganism in the liver to boost energy metabolism and weight loss.

    If you like this product you may also like Black Forest, Balhyocha and Golden Monkey, Yunnan Golden Buds. 

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