Tea Type: Green Tea
Tea Region: Shizuoka, Japan
Tasting Notes
Brewing Guidance
Reference: Op. 248
Tips for Tea Connoisseurs
Kamairi Tamaryokucha is a rare, pan-fired style, Japanese green tea. In Japan, Sencha is the common, signature green tea, using the dominant steaming method to stop the oxidation process on the tea leaves. However, pan-fired green tea can be rarely found and when it's well-made, the tea is delightful delicious and very different from steamed green tea like Sencha.
Our Kamiri Tamaryokucha Bio is a delicious, organic green tea originating from a certified EU/USDA organic tea garden in Shizuoka, Japan. Made from the first flush spring harvest, this healthy, delicious green tea offers a highly aromatic and fragrant liquor with sweet, comforting, nutty & toasty flavours, it's the perfect cup to enjoy all season long.
As with all the green teas, our Kamairi Tamaryokucha is a rich source of vitamin C, catechin and amino acids. There are several studies indicating potential health benefits of green tea such as promoting skin health, weight loss, heart health and cancer prevention.
Certifid EU/USDA/JAS Organic. If you like this product you will certainly enjoy our Korean green teas like Wild Arbor Joongjak, Sejak Tendresse, Woojeon Spring Waltz.